About the documentary
What international order will coronavirus consolidate?
Bouncing back. World politics after the pandemic,
a documentary directed by Pol Morillas,
Director of CIDOB, and David Fontseca, Director of La
Kaseta Ideas Factory, reflects on conflict dynamics and international
cooperation opportunities in the post-Covid-19 world.
The production of this documentary shows CIDOB's desire to innovate in
the generation and dissemination of international knowledge in times of
Through the voices of a range of experts, the documentary reflects on
what international order will be consolidated in the post-coronavirus
world. “Bouncing back presents the dilemma of what
post-pandemic world we want. Do we reinforce old dynamics in search of
restoration, or choose to reinterpret the world and build on new
opportunities for global cooperation? It is crucial to understand that
this dilemma will be resolved by the political decisions we take today”
explains Pol Morillas, Director of CIDOB and
co-director of the documentary.
The coronavirus pandemic has affected geopolitical, economic, security
and international cooperation dynamics. The rivalry between the United
States and China is growing, global value chains and trade have suffered
a systemic shock, inequalities are worsening and the cracks remain in
the international order caused by authoritarianism, social unrest and
international conflicts.
At the same time, another series of dynamics – the mobilisation of
resources for the vaccine, the coordination of transnational research
groups, the connections with the global periphery and the consolidation
of Asia’s centrality – force us to rethink the global order in the light
of the new opportunities arising.
What international order will be consolidated in the post-COVID-19
world? Will conflicts spread, or will new opportunities for
international cooperation emerge? In what areas can positive-sum
dynamics be constructed? Is COVID-19 a precursor of future crises
produced by climate change? And what effects will the pandemic have on
the dynamics of polarisation and populism on a global scale?
These and other questions are addressed by the experts featured in Bouncing back. World politics after the pandemic: Martin Griffiths, UN Special Envoy for Yemen;
Wolfgang Ischinger, Chairman of the Munich Security
Conference; Kishore Mahbubani, Singapore's former
ambassador to the UN and distinguished fellow, Asia Research
Institute, National University of Singapore;
Robert Malley , President and CEO, International Crisis
Group; Federica Mogherini, Rector, College of Europe,
former High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and
Vice-President of the European Commission;
Funmi Olonisakin, Vice-President and Professor of
Security, Leadership and Development, King's College London;
Anne-Marie Slaughter, CEO, New America; and
Javier Solana, Honorary President, CIDOB, President,
EsadeGeo, former EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security
About the directors
Pol Morillas
Director of CIDOB (Barcelona Center for International Affairs).
Political scientist, PhD in Politics, Policies and International
Relations from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) and
master’s in International Relations from the London School of
Economics. An analyst of European and international affairs, he
has closely followed the various crises of the European
integration project, particularly Brexit, and his main areas of
interest are global dynamics and European integration. His latest
book is Strategy-Making in the EU. From Foreign and Security
Policy to External Action, published by Palgrave Macmillan.
More information
David Fontseca
Documentary and television director, producer and filmmaker. A
reporter since 1998, he has been covering migration to Europe for
over ten years. In 2015 he created La Kaseta Ideas Factory, a
production company specialised in social issues. He has worked for
leading European and global channels. His latest documentaries are
Bouncing Back. World politics after the pandemic (2021), Història
d'un assaig (2020), Battle of Social Networks - La batalla per les
xarxes (2019), Las cartas de mis padres (2018), La América de
Trump (2018), La Rusia de Putin (2018), Els innocents de les
guerres (2016), To Kyma, rescate en el mar Egeo (2016), Donde
acaban los caminos (2016) and Mientras los niños jugaban (2010).
More information
@la_kaseta Fact sheet
'Bouncing back. World politics after the pandemic'
Pol Morillas, David Fontseca / 2021
The Kaseta Ideas Factory
45’/ VO in English, subtitled in English
Bouncing back. World politics after the pandemic' was pre-released on Saturday, January 23rd at 12pm in the Palau Macaya of Barcelona. After the screening, a discussion was held with CIDOB’s Director, Pol Morillas, and EsadeGeo’s Director, Javier Solana, moderated by Rosa María Calaf, journalist and former correspondent. The documentary premiere took place on Wednesday, February 3rd at 6pm in the Auditorium of CaixaForum Barcelona. After the screening, a discussion was held with the documentary directors, Pol Morillas and David Fontseca, moderated by Maribel Izcue, Editor-in-chief of the magazine 5W.
Pre-release Photo Gallery Premiere Photo Gallery